Following the example of a few good friends, I decided to joined them on a 100:10:1 project. Simply put: write down 100 ideas (anything you would like to do, anything wild), them pick 10 of them up to build MVPs (you can/should work on them concurrently), and choose one of those ideas into a legitimate release.
I felt this initiative played really well with another quest I took in January: planning the whole year by weeks and open sourcing my goals (inspired by Una’s project). I pretty sure this will help me to nail down a few finished projects. So, without further ado, here are the 100 (unreviewed) ideas I was able to gather:
- Kaomoji bot for Slack
- Philosophy Garden
- A easily deployable web map with every place I’ve ever been
- Colour palette by city (thanks Ricardo!)
- Beautifully printable tweets
- Mobile app to delete old/inprotected wifi networks
- Moodboard from a Tumblr link
- Stoicism wisdom
- Decluttering as a Service
- Pokédex (Twitter and/or Slack bot)
- Todo list of Google Maps favourites
- Tweetdeck/Trello look-alike but for Google Tasks
- Markdown Viewer Chrome extension
- Twitter bot for https://api.github.com/zen
- Who-to-unfollow suggestion generator
- Bot for keeping daily track of IMDb’s top 250 movies
- Beautiful places where you can go by train
- Instagram/gif mosaic
- Platform to manage friend’s and your debts
- Instagram top list
- Email you your favourite quotes
- Route planner for visits to big cities
- Cursing heat world map
- Flag identifier, by colours/keywords
- Project to help coping with existential angst
- Display the tube’s uptime, like a server
- Circle viz reactive to sound/music
- Drag-n-drop image to base64 and vice-versa
- Choose a route based on time and air pollution
- Something with http://goodsci.fi
- Spotify-based screen saver of OS X
- Add vcards to Alumnum
- Developer Downtime project
- “Jogo do 24”, collaborative or bot-based
- Chrome extension for quotes
- Bookshelf in Node.js, using Goodreads and Kindle profiles
- Node.js text editor, easily deployable
- Adventure Time project (something artsy)
- Drag-n-drop music player & visualiser
- GitHub resumé: show graphs of languages and proficiency
- Stats project comparing London to New York
- Web-based Magic: The Gathering life counter
- Map app where people can endorse places
- Multiple bio updater
- Watch Later service aggregator
- Spotify consume analiser
- A project to promote imagination, like Nat’s mood board
- Typography-based project, like 12 Kinds of Kindness
- Clone of amb-1.com
- Do something with NASA (photos, info, APIs…)
- Glich image generator
- Draggable JS script
- Multiplayer pong
- Photography handbook or how to get into photography
- Global checkin mapper
- Scrooljacking library
in a gist, collection of the important quotes - Chiptune web player
- Composable, modular, interactive binary unit
- Sport dashboard, using Fitbit and Nike+ APIs
- Haruki Murakami novel generator
- Pocket readings analyser
- Recurse Center CSS-only logo
- Haskell library that mimics dynamic typing
- Web-based rhythm/sample box, recordable and keyboard based
- Pokémon-based game for Slack
- Basic inheritance library for JS
- Streets of London, a possibly automated Intagram bot
- Companion AI capable of basic speech
- Website crawler & watcher (for RSSless places)
- Recursers around the world (like Humans of New York)
- Scott Pilgrim Slack bot
- Design what a Planet Earth could look like
- Scroll-along of several coffee brewing methods
- Audio/video player of playlists from everywhere
- Horizontally split website that rotates as you scroll
- Small Arduino display to tell weather and suggest clothes
- Drag a photo and click somewhere to grow a circle around that point
- Chocolate photos mosaic
- Make great posters out of the Tao of Python
- Circular range selector
- Dead-simple web timer (maybe even looking like a kitchen timer)
- Simple guide on the common techniques to style base components
- Kaleidoscope using you laptop camera as input
- Haskell online REPL
- City walk optimiser (give a few points and routes will be traced)
- Do something with Portugal data, like a dashboard or so
- A dead-simple guide to colour picking
- Create an identity for a band (because bands merch are usually crap)
manager (to allow/block stuff)- Repository of travel tips, 2-liners max
- Contribute to npm and/or npm docs so I can get free socks
- Idea pool (thanks Michelle!)
- Photograpy project, Seen From Afar
- Online text-to-Morse-code editor (with audio)
- ‘Meditations’ Twitter bot
- Front-end Haiku generator
- Game of Life on the browser
- Post-rock band name generator
- Scroll library that allows the user to scroll up-down-up and keeps scrolling on the original direction
P.S.: It’s way harder to find 100 projects to work on that I thought it would be. This took me several days and some deep thinking!