Hi there!

I’m Gonçalo, a computer engineer turned web developer, and this is my blog.

After reading posts & posts about why you should write, no matter if you think your experience is not enought or not relevant for other people, I decided to finally setting up my writer’s corner. People all over the web I admire convinced me to do it, push by push by push.

So, picking up Ghost and developing my own (simple) theme were the first steps taken to make this a real thing. So a few details about that:

  • Ghost is a new & shiny blogging platform, and I’m fond of it mainly because of its content focus.
  • More than employing an already existing Ghost theme, I wanted to build my own and use it as a test bed for applying tools, benchmarks and improvements I might found interesting to play with. So this theme is very much not optimised on purpose, so I can fiddle with it and write here about it.

Outside this blog, you can find me virtually everywhere. The main places are Mastodon, Twitter, GitHub & Dribbble for cool, techy stuff, and Instagram & Spotify for more personal stuff. Enjoy!

P.S.: This post’s title is an homage to Christian Heilmann, in an attempt to avoid the ever so classic “Hello world!”.


I recently moved my blog from Ghost + DigitalOcean to Jekyll + GitHub Pages. Why, you ask? Simply because I’m a cheapskate and I like free stuff.
Now for real, I really like Ghost, but for the uses I’m giving to my blog, a (free) static platform is more than enough.